“Am I allowed” Written by Beverley Beech.
Beverley, the author, was the chair of AIMS for 40 years and the author of the influential book “Am I Allowed?”.
AIMS – Association for Improvements in the Maternity Services, was founded in 1960 by Sally Willington “to support women and families to achieve the birth that they wanted.” Since the 1960s AIMS has campaigned tirelessly for improvements to the UK’s maternity services, as well as supporting women and pregnant people, their families and others who support them both directly through their helpline, and by sharing information with their books, Journals and website resources. In 2014 they became a registered charity with the slogan “There for your mother. Here for you. Help us to be there for your daughters.” https://www.aims.org.uk
Every woman and birthing person should read Beverley’s book! Whether pregnant or planning a baby, or know someone who is? This is THE book to read in preparation for a more positive and empowering experience of childbirth. ‘Am I allowed’ is a question women shouldn’t have to ask when giving birth. It’s sad that while across healthcare generally, professionals and their patients have developed a respectful and cooperative relationship with informed consent at the heart of all treatment, within maternity care there is still some outdated authoritarianism and I do witness it for myself as a doula.
Beverley Beech has set out in her book what women and their families need to know to develop good relationships when engaging mainstream medics into their pregnancy and birth. It will enable women to find out what they need to know to make the best decisions about their care.
This incredible book covers questions like…Can I choose where to give birth to my baby? Why do I have to have an ultrasound examination? Induction of labour – why do I need one? Can I decide who will be with me during my labour? How do I complain about the care I received? This book focuses, primarily, on the maternity rights of women in the UK. Much of the information is also appropriate for those in other high income countries. It sets out to help you to understand your options and rights through all stages of pregnancy, birth, and postnatally. Beverley Lawrence Beech the author, was a birth activist, international speaker and this book is based on 40 years’ experience challenging the over-medicalised, hospital-based, model of childbirth. Most women, trust the system to provide them with the best of care, ‘What is must be best’ and discover, too late, and to their cost, that the care was often based on outdated routines and ‘rules’ to which they were expected to conform. Although women are often told that ‘every birth is different’ and ‘that you can’t plan birth’, there is within the hospital system an expectation that every birth will fit a specific set of rules or guidelines. If your pregnancy or birth is not conforming to the guidelines then you can find yourself at odds with the staff or agreeing to something with which you are not comfortable. This book explains the issues and what choices you actually do have. It is your body, your baby, and you are the one who makes the decisions. The current fashion is for ‘joint decision making’ a subtle phrase that still suggests that the professionals are the permission givers rather than the permission seekers! When, indeed, their role is to discuss with the woman the risks and benefits of any particular treatment or intervention so that the woman can then make a fully informed decision, that feels right for her and her baby. This is not a ‘joint decision’ therefore. Most women expect to have a happy and normal straightforward birth, but there is no way to plan birth but you can plan for how you want to feel in labour and birth. And I tell all my clients that decisions should always be based on feelings…not facts! In which case it is better to be forewarned and forearmed so that you are well-placed to make a decision that feel right for you and your baby. In which case, this book is a must read for every woman. Birth prep, that could involve thinking about what happens if my labour takes a different path? What alternatives are on offer? What questions should my birth partner be asking? I always cover this in my hypnobirthing sessions with clients, to prevent decisions being made under pressure when in the throws of labour. “Am I allowed” is so helpful for this very important part of birth prep, as the book covers all of these concerns.
Thank you Beverley for this wonderful legacy

About your birth rights…
Birthrights is the UK charity that champions respectful maternity care by protecting human rights. They provide advice and legal information to women and birthing people, train healthcare professionals to deliver rights-respecting care and campaign to change maternity policy and systems. Birthrights is the leading authority on the rights of women and birthing people during pregnancy and birth in the UK. Their work is critical to not only transforming the experiences and outcomes for individuals, but also in shifting wider policy, practice and systems.
Birthrights Statement –
Birthrights promotes your right to receive evidence-based care that conforms to the best medical and midwifery standards. We do not promote any particular clinical perspectives in maternity care. These rights are set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women and subsequent United Nations conventions and declarations, and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. The information on our website is factually correct at the time of writing.
Find out more about Birthrights here: https://birthrights.org.uk/factsheets/human-rights-in-maternity-care/

I completed my Doula training with the Alternative Holistic Maternity Training provider WPCTS.
The founder of WPCTS, Nickita Starke, is a passionate voice and campaigner, whose principles are firmly rooted in traditional maternity care that embrace a holistic approach, education, and advocacy for all birthing people. The WPCTS statement “At the heart of our mission lies the commitment to empower expectant mothers and families with knowledge, support, and care that honours the natural process of childbirth and respects individual choices” is the very reason I chose to train with them.
WPCTS’s philosophy rooted in the fact, which views childbirth, “not as a medical event but as a profound life experience, WPCTS offers a sanctuary where women can learn, grow, and feel supported in their journey. We believe in the power of informed consent, the importance of understanding human rights in birth, and the vital role of holistic care in ensuring positive birth experiences”.
WPCTS also offer The Beverley Beech Project, formerly known as the WPCTS access fund, as an unincorporated charity to enable low-income families worldwide to access continuity of care throughout pregnancy and childbirth, leading to more positive birth outcomes. The fund also finances scholarships for individuals who would otherwise be unable to afford WPCTS training courses. The Beverley Beech Project is named after the late Beverley Lawrence Beech, a renowned WPCTS ambassador who supported Nickita Starck -founder of WPCTS, throughout her efforts to establish this organisation. Read more about the access fund here:

As a doula I offer practical and emotional support during pregnancy, birth and the early bonding time with your newborn. I provide support within the scope of a birth doula’s practice, offering non-medical assistance and guidance.
Every birth is unique and I’ll help you to embrace your individuality, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach to childbirth. I understand that childbirth can be an overwhelming experience, and that’s why I believe in providing evidence-based information and a holistic approach to understanding the whole process. I’ll strive to equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to take control of your birth by making informed decisions that are right for you and your baby.
With my commitment in providing unwavering support to my clients during pregnancy and childbirth, I’ll support you on how to navigate the medical system with confidence to help prepare for a positive and empowered experience where ever you choose to give birth.
As a registered Homeopath, Hypnobirthing Practitioner and Massage therapist, I include these skills in my wrap around pregnancy care package in offering holistic healthcare treatment for pregnancy related mental or physical health issues, I also include a private Hypnobirthing session and therapeutic massage therapy in the comfort of your home.
The transition through pregnancy into parenthood is huge and unknown. My role is to make that transition as easy and as gentle for my clients as possible.
A free discovery call is always available to see how I can help to make your birth experience truly your own.

Get in touch today via my contact page, to begin your prep for the birth that is right for you!
Love Dani xx
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