Holistic health care treatment by a Homeopath, considers your physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs; your response to illness; and the effect of chronic illness on your ability to function in a way that’s right for you.
Through my own intrinsic belief in women’s bodies and the power of choice, encouraging instinct and finding power in evidenced based research. I now carry this ethos with me whilst walking my clients’ journeys with them.
Massage is one of the oldest natural healing therapies, which benefits every system of the body, both physically and psychologically. Remedial massage is the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body for therapeutic purposes.
Welcome to my website.
I’m Dani. Birth & Postnatal Doula, Homeopath, Hypnobirthing practitioner and Massage Therapist with over 35 years in the health and wellness industry. Passionate about supporting and empowering women, I enjoy the diverse and enriching knowledge that I’ve gained over time and feel blessed to be able to share it with my many clients.
Committed to my work, using Homeopathy, Hypnobirthing, Mindfulness techniques and Massage Therapy, my approach to treatment for each of my clients is always personal and individualised. Ultimately my aim is for subtle but tangible shifts that enable clients to tap into deep inner resources to step with confidence towards improved mental and physical wellbeing. My favourite area to specialise is women’s health particularly those seeking help with health problems either in pregnancy or preconception, from emotional issues such as anxiety, depression, grief or low self-esteem to physical complaints such as menstrual issues, infertility, pregnancy related health issues, morning sickness, insomnia, restless leg syndrome, candida, cystitis, thrush, breastfeeding problems & milk yield.
Or more long standing chronic complaints including thyroid imbalance, IBS, migraines/headaches, sinusitis, skin conditions, endometriosis, PCOS and fibroids.
I feel humbled to be part of my clients’ healing journey through conception, pregnancy and new parenthood and the feedback I have received over the years so often leaves me in awe of the changes that holistic healthcare practices and positive lifestyle changes can bring.
If you have been given a medical diagnosis or simply feel and know in yourself that your energy, mood or body isn’t as well as it should be. The holistic treatments I offer are an opportunity to explore the areas you need help with, come to understand the possible cause and find the remedy that stimulates your recovery and boosts your sense of well-being. If you’d like to know more about my Hypnobirthing sessions, Doula support, or the Holistic therapies I offer and how they could help you, please get in touch, either by calling or emailing me via the contact page.
A free discovery call to chat about how I can support you is always available.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Love Dani xx
PGP in pregnancy
PGP (Pelvic Girdle Pain) in pregnancy….The main symptom that women report when they have pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain (PGP) is pain in and around their hips and pelvis, especially when:
walking/standing for long periods,
bending down,
climbing stairs, and turning over in bed. This means that it can affect virtually everything you do in a day, which has a major impact on your life!