Active Birth is…
- A way to prepare your body and mind to awaken your natural ability to give birth physiologically
- A celebration of the miraculous unfolding of the hormone driven processes of pregnancy and birth
- A philosophy and a global movement that has empowered women to choose how and where they give birth to their baby for more than 3 decades
Active Birth has really evolved for me, in my own understanding, of the intricate process of natural undisturbed birth after I had a euphoric experience in labour when I gave birth to my youngest child in 2012. But globally, three ideas have been present since the beginning: encouraging mothers to use instinctive upright birthing positions; facilitating natural hormonal responses during labour; and empowering women to make their own choices about their births.
“ACTIVE BIRTH is not new. It is simply a way of describing how women the world over have always behaved during labour and birth throughout history” — Quoted from The book “New Active Birth” written by Janet Balaskas.
Reading “New Active Birth” could help you and your partner prepare for and actually experience an Active Birth. Naturally, throughout time and the world over, women have chosen to walk, stand, squat, lie – to move their bodies freely and actively to find the most comfortable positions for labour and birth. It is only we in the west who have the extraordinary notion that a woman should lie on her back in a position that defies the laws of nature and gravity. With Janet’s book, you can learn to develop all your body’s resources to deal with the instinctive experience of childbirth. It is also for partners, teachers, midwives and everyone involved, to help mothers get up off the delivery table and to bring back some of the common sense which has been overlooked by modern obstetrics. I have a few copies of “New Active Birth’ in my lending library and actively encourage clients to dive in to the physical book during my hypnobirthing sessions. The photos alone really do make for lots of interesting conversations!
1. Going with Gravity
In an active birth, a woman is not confined to a bed. She is free to move during labour, and to give birth spontaneously in a position of her choice, according to HER natural birth giving instincts. This instinct is strengthened during pregnancy, as a woman learns to trust in her body’s natural ability to give birth. Active Birth preparation, through regular pregnancy yoga classes, and workshops or courses centred around natural, physiological birth, that you can attend with your partner, helps you to become more confident in your body’s capabilities.
In an Active Birth you will choose your own way to move, and to be still, depending on how you feel and how your labour is progressing. You will instinctively find your own way to make your labour more comfortable, and to help your body to align with gravity during your baby’s descent through the birth canal. This in turn will send a better blood and oxygen supply to the uterus and baby, making birth easier and helping to prevent complications.
2. Releasing your own Birth Hormones
When you are in labour and giving birth, your body produces an ‘internal cocktail’ of birthing hormones, including Oxytocin and Endorphins, ‘the love hormones’ (See my other blog posts about love hormones) These regulate the birth process, stimulating the involuntary muscular responses of your uterus. They also promote attachment and love—in other words, bonding between you and your baby. This dual capacity of the birthing hormones to influence muscular and emotional responses simultaneously is Mother Nature’s blueprint for survival. When you have the freedom to move about in labour in a peaceful and private place where you feel safe, undisturbed and unobserved, you are able to release very high levels of Oxytocin and Endorphins. This makes the birth process faster and easier, as natural relaxants stimulate productive uterine contractions and help you to transcend painful sensations and experience surges in a more positive and powerful way.
Learning how you can optimise this natural production of birth hormones will help you to ensure that birth is efficient and the bonds of love between you and your baby are established from the outset. This primal relationship at the time of birth when you and your baby are transfused with love hormones forms the foundation for your relationship with your child and also baby’s capacity to love. It is the prototype for all their future relationships.
Active Birth recognises that the ability to birth is instinctive to all mammals including human mammals. As your doula, I foster a ‘body centred’ approach which invites you to awaken this awareness during your pregnancy and develop connection with your instincts through your body memory. As you begin to sense the innate ability to give birth that is common to all women, your confidence will grow. Any fears or anxieties will turn to relaxed and joyful anticipation. Even excitement. Imagine that!
3. Your Empowered, Educated Choice
Active Birth places you at the centre of your pregnancy and labour – rather than your birth attendants. By educating yourself about the physiology of birth, Active Birth gives power and control to you – the birthing mother. You will discover that pregnancy is not a medical condition, and that most woman are able to give birth without medical intervention. As a result, you will be confident in making the key decisions about your own birth and how YOU want to experience it. This releases the potential for you to give birth physiologically and naturally, and for you and your baby to benefit from the release of hormones that are present in ‘every facet of love’ (Michel Odent).
This is one reason why many parents choose Active Birth and why, even in special circumstances, it’s always best to stay as close to nature as possible and to restore the physiological connection between mother and baby, so the production of love hormones can continue through holding, breastfeeding and close contact in the weeks and months after birth.
How Can You Benefit From An Active Birth?
First, an Active Birth means that you have freedom of movement. This means that instead of being confined to bed during labour, you are free to follow your body and choose the most comfortable positions, such as kneeling, standing and walking or sitting on a birth ball.
- When you are upright, gravity helps your baby to descend downwards into the pelvis. This softens the cervix, helps it to be absorbed upwards, encouraging dilation and may shorten labour.
- This allows more space in your pelvis so it can adjust to the shape and size of your baby’s head as it descends in labour, and open to its widest when you give birth.
- Your uterus is designed to tilt forward during contractions which makes them more efficient and less painful. Any upright position where you lean slightly forward will have this effect, for example kneeling over a ball or standing and leaning onto a wall or partner, resting on the side of the birth pool, draped over your birth partners lap while they’re seated -they can stroke your arms or hair to offer comfort and encouragement.
- There is a better blood flow to and from the uterus. The large blood vessels that carry blood to and from the heart run behind the uterus. Blood flows much more easily when you lean forward a little and reduce pressure on these blood vessels.
- Better blood flow means more oxygen is carried to the baby and more of the main birth hormone oxytocin (which is also carried in the blood) to the uterus and makes it contract more effectively.
- Birth is a hormonal process. An active birth facilitates high levels of these ‘love hormones’, which is how labour begins by making the uterus contract, gives natural pain relief throughout and helps you to bond with your baby after the birth and promotes the desire to breastfeed for both mum & baby.
- Research demonstrates that using upright positions such as kneeling forward, makes giving birth to your baby in the final stages easier, more efficient and more comfortable.
- A spontaneous natural labour is more likely by being active, so the need for chemical induction methods are reduced and the help of gravity by being relaxed, upright and mobile can reduce the need for interventions during the birth.
- An Active Birth is empowering, rewarding and pleasurable. Both you and your baby are transfused with ‘love hormones’ after the birth enabling you to welcome your baby with so much love and the incredible sense of achievement. I remember that feeling like it was yesterday after giving birth to my last baby (now teenager!) I felt like I’d climbed the highest mountain and wrestled grizzly bears to get there! There was no stopping me once those hormones took over. I was consumed with the desire to labour my way, following my body’s cues and staying connected and strong, feeling that strong sense that my baby new best how she wanted to make the journey of a life time. I trusted my body’s ability at every stage! I still feel that it was my greatest achievement.

Here’s a glimpse of what you can expect from me as your doula………
- Birth prep: I am here to provide emotional support, informational support and guidance during your birth prep. Planning how and where you want to give birth. Covering what to pack in your hospital bag (should you need one), birth plans, guiding you through decision making and information gathering should queries arise. Even though I can’t make decisions for you, I will support you to get the information you need to make an informed decision about your options and human rights in birth. Also covering postnatal planning and discussing what my support will look like for yourself and your baby, should you need more than the inclusive 2-hour single visit in the 2 weeks after birth.
- Communication: I ask my clients to agree to maintain open and honest communication throughout the duration of our time together. I’m constantly available for phone and email support, as needed from the date of initial booking, till your baby’s birth.
- A private Mindfulmamma Hypnobirthing Session (or refresher) is included for you and your birth partner, either in person or virtually.
- Rebozo techniques to help with pregnancy relaxation, optimal baby positioning and labour relief. Rebozo sifting is a traditional Mexican birthing technique using a Mexican shawl or wrap that’s used to support and comfort pregnant women, particularly during labour and birth. The use of the rebozo is an ancient cultural practice in Mexico (as well as Latin America) that’s become increasingly popular around the world in recent years, especially among doulas and holistic midwives.
- 3 Pregnancy massages. One each week from 38 weeks or Postnatally if baby comes early.
- Free use of my birth pool should you need one. All you’ll need is to provide your own liner.
- Ongoing support via email, phone calls, WhatsApp or text to help in navigating the maternity system to access information at any point in your pregnancy to help you to feeling calmer and more prepared. Whether you’ve been labelled high risk or given a diagnosis in pregnancy, I’ll help you to explore your rights and discuss your options to make an informed decision about your care.
- However and where ever you choose to give birth, I’ll give my full support without opinion or judgement. I’ll be by your side to help you prepare for the birth that is right for you. Partners, a friend or even close family members are always welcome at our antenatal meet ups.
I’m always around to remind you that YOU’VE GOT THIS and I’VE GOT YOU!
Beyond the practical support, a doula offers a sense of reassurance and understanding that can transform your experience. Having someone by your side who truly listens, cares, and responds to your unique needs can make all the difference. Together, we’ll ensure that your birth feels positive, empowering, and truly yours—no matter what path it takes.
Please get in touch today to discover more about what’s included and how I can help make your birth experience truly your own.
Love Dani xx
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