Am I Allowed? has been SUCH an important book for pregnant women and families for so many years. It covers everything from understanding your basic rights to explaining where to go for more information. There’s information on how to get your needs met and, if you need it, on how to complain. Beverley Lawrence Beech the author, was a passionate birth activist, international speaker and this book is based on 40 years’ experience challenging the over-medicalised, hospital-based, model of childbirth. Most women, trust the medical system to provide them with the best of care. ‘What is must be best’ and discover, too late, and to their cost, that the care was often based on outdated routines and ‘rules’ to which they were expected to conform. I tell all my clients that decisions should always be based on feelings…not facts!
Active Birth
Exploring Active Birth is a way to prepare your body and mind to awaken your natural ability to give birth physiologically
It’s a celebration of the miraculous unfolding of the hormone driven processes of pregnancy and birth
Active Birth has really evolved for me, in my own understanding, of the intricate process of natural undisturbed birth after I had a euphoric experience in labour when I gave birth to my youngest child in 2012. But globally, three ideas have been present since the beginning: encouraging mothers to use instinctive upright birthing positions; facilitating natural hormonal responses during labour; and empowering women to make their own choices about their births.
PGP in pregnancy
PGP (Pelvic Girdle Pain) in pregnancy….The main symptom that women report when they have pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain (PGP) is pain in and around their hips and pelvis, especially when:
walking/standing for long periods,
bending down,
climbing stairs, and turning over in bed. This means that it can affect virtually everything you do in a day, which has a major impact on your life!